Our factory donate roll forming machines to Mexico to help people there rebuild their homeland after earthquake

A big earthquake occurred in Mexico, which was reported on TV On 19th Sept 2017. After get this bad news,

our factory hold a meeting urgency. In the earthquake, many people lost their home. So we decide to donate

two cold Bending Machine to Mexico to help people there rebuild their homeland after earthquake.


One machine is Steel Floor Deck Roll Foming Machine, the other one is Color Steel Roof Tile Roll Foming

Machine. The panel producted by these Machine has features of high strength, light weight and high bearing

capacity. At the same time, it can reduce the amount of concrete and replace traditional template, Meanwhile,

this panel is easy to transport and install, so it save a lot of labor. It is meaningful for the earthquake areas

because it can reduce the permanent load of the structure. What`s more, it has short building period but

high strength.

Is willing the deceased to rest, is willing living to refuel, May the good LORD consoles and give strength to all

the bereaved families. Hope our machine can help them build a new home and put an end to the difficult period.